American Goddess
A provocative and thought-provoking novel looking at the nature of modern day belief.
Post pandemic, Peter Kelso and his wife, Ellisha, have moved to Edinburgh in a last desperate bid to get their lives back on track. But things rapidly spiral out of control.
Just as things seem hopeless, an encounter with Edinburgh University’s most eccentric professor of history leads them to uncover a source of knowledge kept hidden for centuries, known as The Woman’s Secret.
Together they out to heal a damaged world, and the Internet provides the perfect platform for the new world order to spread. In the midst of this, American, mixed-heritage, Ellisha is an unlikely messiah, but she becomes the face of a new age and soon everyone is pinning their hopes upon her.
But if they thought The Woman’s Secret would produce a kinder, gentler world, they are in for a terrible shock. As corruption starts to cast its shadow, cracks begin to show and Peter and Ellisha’s reactions are very different to the encroaching threat. As they become embroiled in their own private battles, unseen forces are moving against them.
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